
Friday, January 7, 2011

Zombie Self Defense Force

 More like Zombie Self Defense "Farce" AMIRITE?! 

 This film is like watching a hobo snort fire ants. You understand that its terrible, but it's so bizarre that you can't look away or stop it. It managed to make me physically convulse with rage. Pure, unbridled RAGE. 

Above: RAGE.

 This film is a hilarious train wreck. The insane cast of characters (The Japanese Self Defense Force, a slutty AV Idol, some guy that killed his wife and a zombie fetus) terrible effects, and absolutely insane premise secure this movie a slot in the "shit that should be burned" category, and I payed 15 dollars for it. 15 DOLLARS. I bought fucking Bloodsport for 8! I could go into the plot, but there isn't really one, besides a twist at the end, its a mindless romp of zombies and fanservice. Mind you, it's mindless but not without its high points, such as the zombie fetus that can seemingly FUCKING FLY anywhere it pleases. Combine that with aliens, Japanese WWII propaganda, and the cyborg conspiracy theory and you have something that would make Uwe Boll seem like Stephen Speilberg.

"Fuck. I've got nothing on this Japanese shit"

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