
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Garzey's Wing

I don't even know where to begin. Andrew is sitting beside me and I just.... fucking Garzey's Wing. Talk to Andrew.

Hi. This was directed by Yoshyuki Tomino, I expected something much, much better from the man that created Gundam known "Kill'em All" Tomino.  To quote AVGN this is a shit load of fuck. It's just, ugh God damn it. God damn it. Talk to Steven.

My mind is so full of fuck right now that I can't focus on words. I'm just going to give you a picture to show you.
Thank you, Jackie
You know, I honestly can not put this into proper words for you to fully understand the terribleness of this. I still am in denial. I refuse to accept that I really just watched that. I did not. But, as proof that I did, here is a recording. God fucking damn it that was some shit

For your enjoyment, ladies and gentlemen, Garzey's Wing!!

And this is our thoughts on Episode 1. Full commentary to come!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dawn of The Dead (1978)

Does that guy have psoriasis?

Ah yes, A classic zombie film from director George A. Romero! What's not to like? Fortunately not much, so I won't have to attended my weekly "bad movie" therapy session.


This movie, unlike the multitude shit horror movies I've sat through the past year, is actually quite good. Though it still has the standard zombie movie trope of "everyone is kind of a dumbass" it has great special effects, from the zombie dismemberment to... more zombie dismemberment. That's mostly it, but those mutilations are damn good! I couldn't leave out the best scene of gore in the movie.

"Hey guys, I feel kinda fu- OHFUCK."

Our group of survivors consists of a pilot (Steve) his girlfriend, A thief, and who I think is a cop, but we'll just call him token black guy. After jacking a helicopter from a military outpost, they land on the roof of a mall (The best place to be in a zombie outbreak AMIRITE?) and proceed to loot the shit out of it. It's not like they actually need most of the shit they take, with the world being fucked and all, I mean who are you going to sell it too, the Resident Evil merchant?

"I'll buy it at a high price!"

But after a close call with the undead, they decide it's a good idea to start building a shelter. So they barricade the entrance to the mall with trucks to keep the zombies out (In the process the thief gets bitten, but he's of no real importance.) and proceed to build a shelter in the upper level of the mall, complete with a false wall leading to stairs, so no zombies (or random jackoffs) can see it. But all good things must come to an end, and that's when the token group of post-apocalyptic bandits come into play. 

Like most post-apoc' jackoffs, they proceed to wreck everything in sight, ruining our heroes barricade and letting the zombies into the mall. One of our heroes, Steve the pilot, is in the lower level of the mall at the time and tries to kill a few of the bandits. Unfortunately for him, he's up against 30 or so coked up jackoffs and a horde of the undead. Needless to say, Steve dies a gruesome (though slightly entertaining) death. He then turns into a zombie, and leads the horde to our heroes hideout. Token Black Guy and Steve's girlfriend try to fend off the undead horde (did i mention the thief died? well he did, it wasn't that important) but to no avail. The girl manages to escape the horde and get to the helicopter while Token holds them off. I'm not going to spoil the last few minutes (SPOILERS: THEY'RE KIND OF AWESOME) and have left the article vague on purpose as to not give away much of the details of the film. The point of all that? I want YOU dear reader to watch the movie. Why? It's a fucking great romp through some zombies, and a definite must watch for any zombie connoisseur.  GO WATCH THIS FILM.

Zod demands it!

This is our thoughts on Dawn of the Dead. Full commentary coming soon!